One year after finishing "The Strange Mind", "Seven Productions" team reunited for one more short drama. This time we are working on a short philosophical drama inspired by the theatre of the absurd. At the beginning we wanted to make a short version of Beckett's most popular drama "Waiting for Godot", but while scripting we noticed it didn't look natural so we decided to go in another direction. We still wanted the absurdity to be the main theme of our new project, also we didn't want it to be just absurd. We decided to add some depth to the story by introducing philosophy in the discussion that (anti)heroes have. Note that heroes and antiheroes aren't different in theatre of the absurd, so we didn't make one of the two main characters look good, and the other evil. In the story good and evil are entwined so we would get grey picture of black and white side of both of them. Not to reveal too much, but the story is set in unknown place and time around the chess board. And also at the beginning of the film, first few shots will tell the audience how we see life of individuals, but the rest is dedicated to The Life in larger scale, as well as some religious views and other interesting subjects.
The film is written and will be directed by Mladen Reljanović. Samir Gaši and Boris Ručnov signed on the project in March, as the main characters Sergei and Alexei. Nikola Zorić joined the cast in a minor role in June. Branko Praštalo signed on the project in June. Producers are negotiating with Danijela Gačić to take on the minor role in opening scene. Darko Sladojević joined the crew as the director of photography. For more information feel free to contact us at any time. You can visit our
facebook page. There you can arrange meetings and/or interviews with the cast and crew.
Here is our first poster for "Discussions"!
"Discussions" are set to start shooting in July. Hopefully you will be able to see it when it comes out in September.
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